235/75/15 neumáticos de toda la temporada

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Frequently Asked Questions About 235/75-15 All-Season Tires

When you purchase a new vehicle from a dealership, you?ll notice in most cases it comes equipped with all-season tires. The versatile tires perform well year-round under a variety of road conditions; plus, they offer a smooth ride and have a long tread life. Use this article as a guide to finding a suitable set of tires for you passenger car or truck in this eBay category.

Can you use all-season tires in any climate?

Imagine that the tires on your vehicle offer the same flexibility as a pair of shoes. Style aside, the soles provide a different grip according to the terrain. All-season tires deliver a firm stance on rainy, snowy, icy, and dry roads. However, not all tires can handle extreme weather conditions. If you drive in moderate climates, all-season tires are an excellent choice.

What should you look for when buying all-season tires?

A tire that provides a firm grip, secure handling, a long tread life, and a smooth ride will ensure performance and longevity. When shopping for all-season tires on eBay, pay attention to the numbers and letters molded on the sidewall. The treadwear grade as well as the temperature and traction ratings are located above or below the 12-digit alphanumeric marker that includes the tire size.

  • Traction ratings: A letter grade ranging from AA to C indicates how well the tire grips the road and stops on wet pavement. AA is the highest rating available.
  • Treadwear grade: This number specifies the tires longevity. For example, a tire graded 300 will last three times longer than a tire with a grade of 100. Keep in mind that grading systems vary per manufacturer. Therefore, you will need to compare the numbers by brand.
  • Temperature grade: The temperature grade goes from A to C, with the letter C offering the lowest performance allowed according to federal safety standards.
  • Tread pattern: Look for asymmetrical treads with deep grooves. This pattern will displace water and provide good traction on cars and trucks when turning corners on dry terrain.
What is a speed rating?

A speed rating is a letter used by tire manufacturers to indicate how well a tire can sustain speeds and grip the road under normal driving conditions. Usually, all-season tires have a rating of T (118 miles per hour) or H (130 miles per hour), which can handle dry, wet, and roads covered with light snow.

What are the advantages of all-season tires?

If you drive in a region with fluctuating weather patterns, changing the wheels in the winter and fall can become tedious. With all-season tires on your vehicle, you reduce labor costs because you will not have to change the tires each season.