BOB Double Strollers


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BOB Double Stroller Buying Guide and Shopping Tips

It's virtually impossible to push two strollers at the same time, but you can easily push a double stroller. If you want to take your kids on your morning run or like to hike with your tykes, you need a stroller designed to handle uneven terrain and keep your stroller straight. You can find new, or preowned BOB duallie strollers on eBay.

Is a double BOB stroller good for joggers?

Yes, the BOB double stroller is a good choice for joggers. The BOB double stroller is created with three pneumatic wheels that allow it to move faster than traditional strollers. The three-wheeled design also allows the stroller to travel on uneven or rocky terrain easily while providing stability to your children. The swivel design of the wheels allows the front wheel to determine the direction of the stroller while the back wheels keep it in contact with the ground. You can also lock the swivel wheels for safety.

How to adjust the BOB double stroller

This brand makes it easier to push two children in a double stroller. The BOB double stroller is created with a single handlebar that is as wide as the stroller itself. To make it as easy as possible to push the stroller, you can adjust it based on your height.

Storage options offered by the BOB double stroller

When you're on a hike with your children, you don't want to run out of snacks, diapers, or toys to keep the kids occupied. BOB understands this and made their double stroller with plenty of storage options for the kids and Mom and Dad, too. Storage compartments for the stroller can be found underneath the stroller and attached to the handlebar.

Does the BOB double stroller have brakes?

BOB created the double stroller with three wheels for active mothers with more than one child. Because it is a highly sought-after stroller, BOB added handbrakes. The handbrakes are located at the handlebar of the BOB double jogging stroller. With these easy-to-reach brakes, you can quickly stop downhill momentum.

Is a sunshade built into BOB's double strollers?

Yes, BOB offers protection for your children while riding in the stroller in the form of a huge sunshade. The adjustable sunshade offers two positions to make sure you can keep your kids comfortable no matter where the sun is shining. The long sunshade helps protect kids from rain and other elements, too.

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