Baby Bedside Sleepers

Baby Co-Sleepers

Co-sleeping with your new infant is an easy way to breastfeed and comfort your new baby at night. The use of a co-sleeper ensures the safety of your little one while sharing a bed. There are many bassinet options to make nighttime feedings and changing easier and safer.

What is co-sleeping?

Co-sleeping means that your new infant sleeps with you at night. They may sleep in your bed with you or in the same room in a crib, bassinet, or play yard. This style of sleeping helps promote bonding while ensuring that the baby can be fed, changed, and comforted as needed throughout the night.

Why should you use a co-sleeper?

The use of a specially designed reach co-sleeper allows the baby to be nearby in your bed while still ensuring he/she sleeps in a structure. The structure keeps babies safe from being rolled on or covered by blankets that could suffocate them. Using one in your infant’s sleeping arrangement lowers the risk of SIDS and helps everyone get a better night of sleep.

How do you pick the right model?

Think about your current sleeping arrangement, decide if you would like to purchase a model that places the baby in your bed, right next to your bed, or within the same room.

  • In-bed options: In-bed choices like the SwaddleMe By Your Side allows you to place the newborn into a cot that has rigid sides. They sleep right next to you, and the cot ensures you won’t roll over onto them.
  • Next-to-the-bed option: Next-to-the-bed selections like the Arms Reach places the baby right beside you in a bassinet. This eliminates any worry of rolling onto the child while still keeping them close at an arm’s reach away.
  • In-room options: In-room choices like the Graco Pack N Play or a traditional crib with a mattress allow you to share a room but still have your own space.

After deciding which method of co-sleeping will work best for your new family, you can look at the different models. There are options for every budget that will help you and your child to get a good night's sleep.

Is using a co-sleeper dangerous?

Placing your child in a bassinet or crib next to your bed or using a co-sleeper with rigid sides in the bed is safe and keeps your child near you so you can monitor his/her breathing. It will also help new parents get more sleep since the newborn baby is close by and easier to comfort.

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