Car Audio Capacitors

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Everything You Need to Know about Car Audio Capacitors

Whether you're considering replacing or upgrading your existing car audio sound system, selecting the appropriate audio capacitor can significantly enhance your audio experience, and you want to make sure you pick the best capacitor for your car audio. eBay offers various affordable car audio capacitors to cater to your needs. To aid you in making an informed decision, below are responses to frequently asked questions about car audio capacitors, ensuring you choose the optimal one for your requirements.

Does your car's audio system need a capacitor?

A car audio capacitor is supplied with voltage from the car's electrical system and charges whenever the power needs of the amp do not require an extra power boost. When the amp does require extra juice, the capacitor gives the amp a quick jolt of power to prevent the vehicle lights from dimming. Without a car audio capacitor, every time your amp needs an extra power shot, it will drain energy from your car's electrical system, causing your lights to dim and making it difficult and dangerous to drive at night. If your lights dim when your amp hits a bass note, it’s time to purchase a car audio capacitor.

What type of capacitor is best for car audio?

Three different types of amp capacitors are appropriate for use in a car audio system. Each type has its benefits and weaknesses. These three types include the following:

  • Electrolytic - While electrolytic capacitors perform best at the lowest cost, they are known to degrade over time, especially in higher temperatures.
  • Tantalum - Tantalum capacitors are a more expensive and difficult-to-find alternative to an electrolytic capacitor. Still, they are made to withstand the higher temperatures of car audio systems without degrading.
  • Ceramic - While an option due to their small size and low cost, the ceramic capacitor is only sometimes recommended as a go-to capacitor for car audio systems. Ceramic capacitors are known to lose their power capacity over time, creating distortion in your sound system.

What size farad capacitor do you need?

The storage size of a capacitor is measured in units called "farads." The general recommendation is to have one Farad unit for every thousand watts of complete system power. Of course, there is nothing wrong with using a larger capacitor. Using a two- or three-farad capacitor on a 1,000-watt system has advantages. The larger the capacitor you use, the faster it can recharge for the next time the amp needs an extra power-up.

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