Carbon Fiber Cases/Covers for iPhone 6

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Light and Metallic: Carbon Fiber Smartphone Covers for the iPhone 6

Carbon fiber smartphone covers are an option when youre looking for a metallic finish for your iPhone 6, but you dont want a case that's bulky. Carbon fiber is a lightweight metal that comes in a multitude of colors, and the features of covers made from it range widely to accommodate a variety of needs.

What types of cases are available?

Carbon fiber cases for iPhones are available in a variety of different types, including 3D, battery, bumper, flip, hybrid, clip, fitted, and wallet cases. Wallet cases are typically pouch style with wrap-around closure. Some wallet cases include card pockets or spots for other essentials. Fitted cases are snug and leave space for utilizing a home button. Clip cases offer a clip on the back to attach to clothing, like belt loops or pockets.

Hybrid cases include features from a variety of different cover types. Flip cases have a flap on the front that closes when the phone is not being used. Some flaps are able to put the iPhone to sleep automatically to save battery life. Bumper cases wrap around the sides of a phone and extend just over the top edge in order to protect the screen from any surface contact when it is placed face down. 3D cases may include embellishments that protrude away from the carbon-fiber backing.

What colors and designs are options for iPhone 6 cases?

Color choices include:

  • Black
  • Clear
  • Gold
  • Gray
  • Pink
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Red

Some styles of iPhone 6 covers that you can find include glossy, metallic, patterned, pictorial, and plain. Carbon fiber is a material that has some metallic sheen that can be coated to achieve a high gloss. Some of these covers feature patterns or images of various kinds.

What features are available with iPhone 6 covers?

Some features include kickstands, shockproofing, waterproofing, and water resistance. Kickstands allow the phone to stand up independently so that you can view images on the phone screen without the use of your hands. Carbon fiber cases with shockproofing typically include a layer of rubber inside the case to absorb excess impact. Waterproofing depends on the case structure.

How should you care for carbon fiber cases?

Most carbon fiber cases can be removed from the device and wiped down periodically with a damp, soft cloth. This helps to remove dust and debris so that it does not make its way into the phone. Make sure the case is completely dry before you put it back on the phone.