Cat Fork Lifts & Telehandlers

Picking the Right Fit for the Job: Caterpillar Fork Lifts Telehandlers

Forklifts are useful in a wide variety of situations from warehouse and business use to moving, farming, and construction. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you ensure the forklift you purchase suits the needs of your job. Whether you use this type of equipment professionally or you are just learning, it is important to consider the variety of Caterpillar forklifts available for purchase on eBay.

Differences between the Caterpillar forklift models

When first browsing for a Caterpillar forklift on eBay, you may notice that there are several different models available. It's a good idea to know what the differences with pre-owned Caterpillar forklifts to be sure to get what you need.

  • Fork length: The length of the fork determines the size of the objects that can be carried. If you expect, for instance, to be using the forklift on relatively small objects, a smaller fork may work for you. Larger objects, however, will need a larger forklift to maintain stability.
  • Carrying capacity: This is the maximum load that the forklift can safely carry. If you are going to be carrying large, heavy items, it is ideal to consider a maximum carry weight that is higher.
  • Total hours: The hours listed provides an estimation of use of the vehicle
  • Carriage type: This provides insight into the amount of space for individuals to ride on the Caterpillar forklift.
What type of tires do used Caterpillar forklifts have?

There are a variety of tire types that are included on these forklifts. These new or pre-owned Caterpillar forklift parts serve as a basis for the type of work you are going to be doing. Typically, there are a few types of tires that may be included, based on your needs.

  • Traction tires: This tire type is most suited for use indoors on floors that may be somewhat slick.
  • Non-marring tires: These tires are typically relatively small and suited for indoor use as they are made to not scuff floors.
  • Dual drive tire: This tire is made for outdoor use and assists vehicles that are made with a dual drive. They are suitable for all terrains.
Does the year the Caterpillar forklift was manufactured impact performance?

Ultimately, the year of manufacture for Cat trucks or Cat tractors is important in a few ways. Primarily, however, it is important to note the total hours used as this will provide you with a foundation of the overall condition of the forklift itself.