Cisco Home Network VPN Capability Wireless Routers

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How to Select a Cisco Wireless Router with VPN Capabilities

Having a way to securely connect to the outside world, particularly if you run a business, is a must. Cisco's wireless routers with virtual private networking capabilities use technology that allows you and your remote workers to connect to your business network using a secure internet pathway. There are many options available in this vast eBay collection.

What is VPN?

Virtual Private Networks (VPN) are services that allow you secure and private access to the internet by sending your connection through a server and hiding your online trail.

VPN software encrypts your information before anyone else, including your internet service provider, the wireless server provider, or anyone else can see it. Your data goes to the VPN, and from that server to the location on the internet you want to go. The destination sees your data as coming from the VPN server and its location, not yours.

What is a wireless router?

Wireless routers, like Cisco VPN routers, are electronic devices that route data from internet cables to devices. The wireless router is an access point to the data can be shared via radio signals instead of a wired connection. The wireless router is connected to your phone or cable connection. The router takes the data it receives and converts it into radio signals. Those signals are then distributed to devices within its range with Wi-Fi capabilities, like laptops, tablets, smartphones, and gaming consoles.

What are the benefits of setting up a WLAN?

You can use wireless routers to create wireless local area networks (WLAN). WLANs connect devices, like smartphones and laptops, to the internet, your business network, and applications using radio waves. There are many benefits to establishing WLAN:

  • It provides safe and secure access to network resources from anywhere within the WLAN's coverage area.
  • Wireless access to business resources and the internet help keep your productivity and that of your staff up. It also assists in collaborative efforts.
  • No hard wiring means less expense and a quick setup. With wired connections, you must keep cables in good shape and prevent them from being trip hazards or otherwise in the way.
  • Expansion of your WLAN is easy because there are no cables to replace.
How do you install a VPN on your router?

When you install a safe VPN connection on your Cisco VPN router, there's no need to install other individual apps for any of your phones or laptops. Everything is put through a safe VPN connection. Specific steps will vary depending on the VPN service you acquire. Installation is normally straightforward.

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