Estampillas de Finlandia

Add Finland Stamps to Your Collection

Whether you are just starting out on your stamp collector's journey or already have a wide array of stamps from different countries, you may have decided it is time to look for stamps from Finland. Check out the following important points you will want to remember when searching for Finland stamps on eBay.

What types of Finland stamps are there?

Similar to stamps from other countries, Finland stamps have specific types you will want to look out for. Cover stamps are stamps that have been attached to an envelope. You may also desire to acquire booklet stamps or multiple stamps that have been included in a book, a pamphlet, or a similar item. First-day cover stamps from Finland will be affixed to an envelope that is dated on the day the stamp was first released. Postage, postal history, miniature sheet, and semi-postal stamps are other common stamps from Finland that you may seek to acquire.

How does quality figure into Finland stamps?

When contemplating over what caliber of Finland stamp to pursue, the quality will likely factor into your decision. Categories of stamp quality of used, mint never hinged (MNH), mint hinged, original gum, lightly hinged, no gum, mint no gum (MNG), and hinged remaining. The hinge aspect of these categories refers to the slip that was used to put the stamps on display. When a category refers to "gum," it is often referring to the presence or absence of the original sticky substance that was produced as part of the stamp.

Some Finland stamp topics

The topic of the stamp is what is printed on its front. Finland stamps have a variety of unique prints. Common prints are Red Cross, flowers, birds, and art or artists. Other animals, like grizzly bears, are common stamp prints. Many of the stamps also include highly recognizable symbols unique to Finland.

What are the different cancellation types of Finland stamps?

You may want to keep an eye out for the following cancellation types: First Day of Issue, Handstamped, Machine Cancel, Pen Cancel, and Pictorial. The cancellation type will impact the ease in which you can see the stamp design.

Other Finland stamp features you may consider

Some Finnish stamps have significant writing on the back. Some have perforated edges. The year of the stamp may also be an important factor in your decision. Some Finland stamps may even be distinguishable by the value that is printed on the stamp itself; it may say 32 or 8 to match the weight or type of postage that was being sent.