Gameshark Pro N64

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Tackle Difficult Games With a GameShark Pro for the N64

Many classic video games for the N64 console have difficult levels, boss fights, or puzzles that can make them almost impossible to beat. A GameShark Pro for the N64 is an accessory you can use in conjunction with your regular game cartridges to gain an advantage during gameplay. You can browse eBay to find new and used versions of the GameShark Pro for sale at affordable prices and choose the one that meets your needs.

What are the features of a GameShark Pro?

The GameShark Pro for Nintendo 64 consoles comes to you loaded with codes and extras that can work with hundreds of console titles. A GameShark Pro makes classic N64 games easier or more enjoyable by giving your game character buffs you can use to progress through each level quickly. These special benefits come in the form of codes that you can enter into your console. A single code will offer you a specific advantage, and you can activate multiple codes at once to gain several benefits in-game.

You have the ability to disable codes at any time during gameplay to return the game to its regular state. The Pro version of the GameShark includes an extra feature that allows you to search the system memory for your own codes.

How do you find codes with the GameShark Pro?

If you want to use the special feature of the GameShark Pro for N64 systems, you can do so by performing a few basic steps:

  • Open a search - During gameplay, you can press a specific button on your device to open a search menu.
  • Search the memory - You will search memory locations within the system for specific values that have increased or decreased.
  • Determine locations - After you perform multiple searches, a specified list will shrink gradually as it matches criteria from all your combined searches. You can use this data to modify information in search locations and check the effects in your game.

How do you load codes?

N64 GameShark codes are available for many titles supported by the system. All codes for games that are compatible with the N64 GameShark load the same way. You can use the steps below as a basic guide:

  • Insert the GameShark - Your GameShark cartridge should go in the regular game slot.
  • Attach the game - Plug your regular game into the top of the GameShark cartridge.
  • Select the codes - Click the 'Select Cheat Codes' option from the main menu to choose the codes you want.

Where can I get a GameShark for my N64 games?

eBay is a great place to find your GameShark Pro. Additionally, you can find a Nintendo 64 for sale, allowing you to step back in time to the games that you grew up playing. Get your N64 and a GameShark on eBay to take your gaming to the next level.

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