Garmin 7 Inch Car GPS Units


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Garmin 7 GPS Unit Options for Your Car or Truck

Whether you are flying an airplane or driving a car, a GPS unit can help provide you with directions to your next destination. These Garmin GPS units can be equipped with a wide range of features that include lane assist and three-dimensional map views. These Garmin units are also available in a variety of types, such as aviation and marine units as well as auto units.

What are some features available with GPS navigators?

These Garmin GPS systems can come with a wide array of features that include Bluetooth and Wi-Fi functionality for connection to the internet. The inclusion of calculators and calendars in some of these devices allows you to use the system for other purposes besides navigation. Most Garmin models come with a touchscreen interface while the majority are equipped with traffic and map updates. The majority of these systems come with a color display and are voice-activated. A number of these units can be outfitted with weather alerts and the ability to set points of interest.

What are the different types of GPS units available?

Multiple types of GPS units are available, including:

  • Automobile in-dash: This is a type of navigation system that is equipped in the dash of the vehicle you drive, which is typically available when you select the vehicle. When they are placed in the dash, all you need to do to turn them on is to power up your vehicle.
  • Automobile mountable: This is a type of auto navigation system that is mounted to your car with the usage of a small bracket. These systems typically click into place within the bracket and are usually situated on the top of the dash.
  • Hunting: This is a type of GPS unit that comes in a handheld system and provides hunters with in-depth mapping of the general area where they are hunting in order to assist with maneuvering around the terrain.
  • Marine: This is a type of unit that is meant to be placed in a boat. It usually provides chart-plotting features and can offer mapping of the sea floor below.
  • Aviation: This is a type of global positioning system that is meant to be used in aircraft like helicopters and airplanes.
How do you clean a GPS device screen?

When you are using a Garmin GPS navigation unit, it can be important to keep the screen clean in order to see every detail clearly. To keep the screen clean, there are a variety of guidelines you can consider, all of which should be used on a regular basis. With touchscreen panels, you may want to consider using a soft cloth, preferably a microfiber one. This cloth should be damp but not too wet. When soaking the cloth, try to use water that is at a lukewarm temperature and gently wipe the surface in either horizontal or vertical lines until the entire surface area has been cleaned. Make sure that you only use water with these cloths in order to avoid any issues with the screen.

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