Hubcaps for Honda Fit
Your Hondas hubcaps serve as a shield, keeping dust, dirt, and moisture away from the wheel hub. When hubcaps are properly installed, they ensure the wheels lug nuts stay free from rust and corrosion. A handsome set of hubcaps can also increase the aesthetic appeal of your Honda Fit.
How do you maintain Honda wheel covers?Over time, your vehicles hubcaps can start to show signs of wear and tear. Cleaning and polishing them can help restore their original shine, improving your cars appearance. To give your wheel covers a thorough cleaning, remove them from your tires and do the following:
- Prepare a mixture of half a cup baking soda, one tablespoon dish soap, and two cups warm water. Using a soft sponge, cloth, or brush dipped in the soapy mixture, gently scrub your hubcaps. Use a smaller brush or a scrubbing pad to reach tight areas.
- With a hose, spray the hubcaps to remove soap and residue.
- Air dry or wipe dry hubcaps with a soft, clean rag or terrycloth towel.
You can preserve the finish on your wheel covers by applying a thin coat of car wax. Using a soft rag, gently work the car wax into your wheel covers. Use a clean, dry rag to remove excess wax.
What are hubcap retention rings for?Replacement hubcaps often come with detachable retention rings that fit onto the rear of the hubcap. A retention ring works with your hubcap clips to hold the installed hubcap on your wheel. When inserted properly, the metal ring pushes the hubcap clips outward against the steel rim. The outward pressure on the clips keeps the hubcap from popping off the wheel.
When installing a retention ring, make sure the portion designed to accommodate the valve stem lines up with the valve stem cut-out on your hubcap. Once you have the ring aligned properly, insert the ring into the hubcap clips. Push the ring into one clip at a time, working your way around the rings perimeter. Some hubcaps have an upper and a lower slot in each clip. When installing your ring, begin by using the upper slots.
If you install your hubcap, and it feels loose, remove it from the wheel. Push the retention ring down to the lower slots, and reinstall on your wheel.
How do you know your wheel covers are in place?To avoid losing your hubcaps after installation, make sure they are firmly mounted to your wheel rims. During installation, apply even pressure to the hubcap, working your hands from one side to the other and then from top to bottom. Check that there is full contact around the entire perimeter of the hubcap. Generally, you should not be able to use your bare hands to remove hubcaps from their mounted position on a wheel.