Key Blanks for Buick Century

Buick Century Key Blanks

You own and drive a Buick Century sedan, and it works great for you. Then, your spouse needs to borrow your car from time to time, or your teenage children get their licenses and want to use your car to go out with friends. You could entrust them with the one key you have for your Buick Century, hoping it does not end up lost, or you could just get a few key blanks and make copies so that everyone can have their own key.

What is a key blank?

A key blank is a key which has not yet been cut for a specific car. While it will have the ridges applicable to all Buick Century keys, it will not have the distinctive bitting that will allow the pins in the lock on your vehicle to align correctly, enabling the door to unlock.

What kind of key blank do you need?

You need a key blank explicitly designed for a Buick Century. Since some model years of the Century can have different blanks than other years, make sure you select the correct year to ensure you get the right key blank. Additionally, most contemporary Buick Century models employ an ignition key with a chip. Make sure, if you currently have a chip in your original Buick car key that the key blanks you order also have chips so that your new keys will be able to start your Century.

How do you get a key cut?

Any locksmith and many hardware stores can cut a car key for your Buick Century sedan. Be sure you bring your current key, as that will be used as the model for your duplicates. A correctly cut key will be able to unlock your Centurys doors and trunk.

How do you program your chip-based car key?

In some cases, you will be able to program your chip. In other cases, you will need to enlist the services of a locksmith or a car dealership with the correct codes to get it programmed correctly. Different model years of the Buick Century sedan employ various methods of programming, so make sure you find proper instructions for your specific model. Once programmed correctly, your replacements will have all the functionality of the original, giving you peace-of-mind and a little breathing room the next time one of your beloved family members wants to take your vehicle for a spin.