Spartan Games Miniatures & War Games

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Spartan Games Miniatures and War Games

Miniature war gaming is a genre that spans back to the 1800s. One modern company that is well-known in the industry is Spartan Games. They are sought after for their many lineups and customizable miniatures, including their own adaption of the video game "Halo."

What is miniature war gaming?

Miniature war gaming is a genre of tabletop games that incorporates miniatures into play. The players simulate battles, often historical, using the small figures. Movement is assisted with rulers, and the gameplay is usually based on turns.

What games should you look for from Spartan Games?

Some games to look for include:

  • Firestorm Armada: This is a combat game set in space. The strategy involves taking on the role of admiral of a fleet of combat ships.
  • Uncharted Seas: As a retired release from Spartan Games, Uncharted Seas is set to a naval battle system. Play involves the selection of eight races.
  • Dystopian Wars: Set in the 1870s, this release involves battles between the largest empires of the time.
  • Dystopian Legions: Set in the same empires as Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions is a more traditional tabletop game. Play involves using infantry.
Why should you play Spartan Games?

Part of the fun of miniature war games is the strategy involved. Similar to chess, Spartan games can be quite complex but well worth the effort. In addition to strategy, Spartan Games also involve arts and crafts. Players have the option to paint and mount their own war figurines. Not only does this allow customizable figures, but it also gives players total control of their collection.

Painting and mounting involve coloring your own figurines and then mounting them onto strong bases. The bases allow players to move the pieces around the board.

How do you paint Spartan Games figures?

Spartan Games Miniatures often arrive unpainted and unprimed so that you have a blank canvas to customize with paint. Here are some steps for getting the best quality:

  • Work in a well-lighted area that lets you see the small details easily.
  • The first step is a process called deburring. This involves removing any leftover pieces of metal from the molding process to create a smooth, clean surface for painting. Use sandpaper and a sharp craft knife for this step.
  • Priming involves painting the figures with a protective coat of primer. This allows them to keep their next coat of paint.
  • The next step is the actual process of painting, which requires paintbrushes and paint. Choose from oil-based enamel or water-based acrylic paints.
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