Everything You Should Know Before Purchasing a Treadmill
Staying active isn't easy these days with all the distractions and commitments of daily life. It can be hard for you to get to the gym every day, which is why you may be looking into purchasing new or used treadmills for sale on eBay. Each treadmill has its unique design and features, creating different experiences for you.
What brands make treadmills?A variety of different brands manufacture treadmills for sale with different features and capabilities. The following are some of the most commonly found.
- CO-Z - This brand makes a consumer-level treadmill for sale that is affordable but still has enough features to be fun to use. One exciting feature of CO-Z treadmills is the built-in MP3 player, making it easy to stay entertained while you run.
- Uenjoy - These basic treadmills are common with those looking for a rigorous workout because of their ability to incline the track.
- Onebigoutlet - This brand is responsible for some of the most advanced treadmills available. They come at a higher price point and have all the bells and whistles a user could want in their treadmill.
- Merax - This brand is known for its wider tracks, meaning it can accommodate anyone who is trying to get in shape at home.
- Xiaomi - This brand is ideal if you live in a smaller place because it folds down, allowing it to be stored just about anywhere in your home.
The power of the used treadmills for sale is measured in watts. The higher the wattage, the faster the treadmill can run for a longer period of time. Consider a higher wattage if speed is your concern. Lower wattage treadmills will have less of a strain on your monthly energy bills. Here are the options available for wattage when you buy used treadmills on eBay:
- 500W
- 800W
- 1000W
- 1100W
To suit your specific needs, each eBay treadmill has different features that drive the overall value and effectiveness of the machine. The following are some features to be aware of when shopping for your next treadmill:
- Incline - Treadmills with an incline option allow the user to tilt the track upwards, making running more difficult. This resistance is great for strength and endurance training.
- Foldable - You may not have the room in your home to keep your treadmill set up at all times. If this is the case, then consider a foldable model so you can store it after each use.
- LCD Screen - Models with LCD screens make it easy for you to track your progress and parameters, including how far you have run and how fast you are running.